1-min Way to Download SoundCloud Songs to iPhone And it’s true, the music you can find on SoundCloud is more diverse, than anywhere else. It also has done a great job in staying different than any other music service.

It’s another question how successful it is in 2017, but for now it’s a big encyclopedia of music, where anyone, musician or not, can share songs, tracks, podcasts. ‘YouTube for music’, as it’s often called, has a smart interface and a beautiful waveforms for tracks. While many describe SoundCloud as ‘screwed’ and ‘fading’, fingers crossed it stays here for long. This post is your quick guidebook on how to download SoundCloud songs to iPhone, computer or even iPod! What is so good about SoundCloud? Tags: how to download SoundCloud songs to iPhone, SoundCloud downloader for iPhone, SoundCloud music downloader, downloadSoundCloud music to iPhone or computer.